
Advancements in Joint Care: Arthroscopy at Metro Hospital, India


Joint problems can stem from various conditions or injuries, often causing discomfort and hindrance in daily activities. Arthroscopy emerges as a revolutionary surgical procedure in the realm of Joint
Pathology. At Metro Hospital, India, our team of proficient orthopedic surgeons utilizes state-of-the-art equipment to perform arthroscopic surgery, facilitating precise visualization, diagnosis, and treatment of
joint issues.

Arthroscopy gained prominence in the 1960s and has since become a widely adopted technique worldwide. This minimally invasive procedure offers significant advantages over traditional open surgery. Unlike open surgery, which requires a large incision, arthroscopy involves only two or three small incisions, minimizing tissue damage and accelerating recovery.

Causes and Diagnosis

Joint problems can result from diseases or injuries affecting bones, ligaments, tendons, cartilage, and muscles. Diagnosis typically begins with a thorough physical examination and medical history review, often supplemented by X-rays. Advanced imaging techniques such as computed tomography (CT) scans, ultrasound, or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) may be employed for further evaluation. Arthroscopy,
utilizing a specialized instrument called an arthroscope, allows for precise examination and diagnosis, surpassing the capabilities of traditional X-ray studies.


During arthroscopy, a small, tube-like instrument called an arthroscope, equipped with optical fibers and lenses, is inserted through small incisions into the joint to be examined. A video camera attached to the arthroscope transmits images of the joint’s interior to a monitor, enabling the surgeon to assess the extent of injury and perform necessary repairs or interventions. The size of the arthroscope varies based on the joint being examined, with smaller scopes utilized for intricate joints like the wrist.


Arthroscopy is typically performed as an outpatient procedure, allowing patients to return home on the same day. Following surgery, the incisions are covered with dressings, and patients undergo a brief
recovery period before discharge. Patients receive comprehensive counseling on post-operative care, including wound care, activity restrictions, and recommended exercises to aid recovery.

Recovery time varies depending on the complexity of the procedure and individual factors. In general, patients can expect to resume light activities within a week and more strenuous activities within four weeks.

However, certain cases may necessitate a longer recovery period and rehabilitation to achieve optimal outcomes.

Arthroscopy represents a significant advancement in the field of orthopedic surgery, offering patients a less invasive and more efficient approach to diagnosing and treating joint issues. With its numerous benefits and high success rates, arthroscopy continues to revolutionize the management of joint pathology, improving outcomes and enhancing quality of life for patients worldwide.