
Heart Bypass Surgery/Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (CABG) in Noida, Delhi, India

Bypass surgery, also known as heart bypass or coronary bypass surgery, restores healthy blood flow to the heart. It is essential when coronary arteries are blocked or damaged, a condition known as Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) or Atherosclerosis.

Pre-procedure Preparations

Before the bypass surgery, the experienced medical team at Metro Hospitals will guide the patients through the necessary pre-procedure steps:

  • Exercise
    The doctors may recommend specific exercises and workout routines to improve overall fitness, which can enhance the chances of a better post-surgery outcome.
  • Medicines
    The specialist heart team will review the patient’s medical history and current medications. They may prescribe certain medications or advise stopping others a few days before the surgery.
  • Lifestyle changes
    Cardiologists will recommend lifestyle modifications, such as quitting smoking, losing excess weight, and adopting a healthy diet, to support recovery and improve surgical outcomes.
  • Diet before the surgery
    Patients may be required to fast from the previous night before the surgery, as per the doctor’s instructions.
  • Recovery Plan
    Our doctors are always available to help you plan your recovery period. You may ask them any queries you may have about the procedure and the planning needed after the surgery. We highly recommend that you have a recovery plan ready. It includes things like-

    • Who will drive you home for the surgery?
    • Who will stay with you during your hospital stay in case of complications?
    • Who will be making important medical decisions on your behalf?
    • Who will stay with you during your hospital stay and your recovery period?

About the Procedure

During the bypass surgery, the patient will be given general anesthesia. A breathing tube is then inserted to assist with breathing during the operation. The surgeon will make a long incision down the center of the chest, exposing the heart. The patient’s heart is temporarily stopped, and a heart-lung machine is used to maintain blood and oxygen flow throughout the body during the procedure.

The surgeon then takes a healthy blood vessel, typically from the chest wall or lower leg, and attaches it to the blocked or damaged coronary artery. This bypasses the blocked section, allowing blood to flow around the constricted part of the artery and restore healthy blood supply to the heart.

Benefits of the Procedure

A heart bypass surgery has several benefits, including the following:

  1. Reduction in high blood pressure
  2. Decreased shortness of breath
  3. Decreased Angina
  4. Improvement in overall heart health
  5. Reduced risk of dying of heart disease.


The doctors will perform extensive screenings and tests to determine if you are eligible for a heart bypass surgery. Some of these tests include:

  1. Blood tests
  2. Chest X-Ray
  3. Electrocardiogram – “EKG”
  4. Pulmonary Function Test – “PFTs”
  5. Carotid Doppler/Ultrasound Study
  6. Ankle-Brachial Index – “ABIs”
  7. Surface Echocardiogram
  8. Vein Mapping
  9. Trans-esphogeal echocardiogram – “TEE”
  10. Stress Test or ECG-gated SPECT myocardial perfusion imaging
  11. Heart Catheterization
  12. Computed Tomography – “CT”
  13. Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging “MRI”

Not all the above-mentioned tests will be performed on every patient. Instead, the doctors will determine, based on your medical history and physical examination, which tests need to be performed in your case.

Who is not eligible?

The following scenarios can make you ineligible for a bypass surgery:

  1. Extreme obesity
  2. Existing medical conditions like cancer, aneurysm, heart valve disease, blood disease, AIDS, liver failure, or severe dementia.
  3. Severe physical disability
  4. Ongoing infections
  5. High risk of surgical complications
  6. Pregnancy
  7. Serious diseases of organs like kidneys, liver, etc.
  8. Allergies towards anaesthesia

Metro Hospitals has extensive experience in performing bypass surgeries. Our board-certified surgeons and specialized medical team provide comprehensive care, guiding patients through the entire process, from pre-procedure preparations to post-operative recovery. With the latest advancements in technology and a patient-centric approach, Metro Hospitals achieves exceptional outcomes in bypass surgery.