How to Reduce Your Risk of Breast Cancer

Cancer is a disease that still needs a lot of research to find its exact cause and cure. The research done until now suggests that cancer occurs when a cell’s DNA gets altered and multiplies abnormally. However, how this change occurs is unknown.

Talking Breast Cancer; It is not only a fatal disease, but it is also an increasingly common form of cancer among women. The statistics show that 12.5% of women are likely to be diagnosed with breast cancer at some point in life.

Researchers have listed certain risk factors that can help us assess high-risk patients. It allows doctors to proactively screen such patients and detect cancer at the earliest stages.

Some risk factors, like genetic makeup, age, race, gender, etc., cannot be changed. However, certain environmental and health risk factors like poor health, obesity, a sedentary lifestyle, alcohol consumption, hormonal therapy, etc., can be managed to reduce the chances of getting cancer and developing other diseases.

Some risk factors that can be regulated to prevent breast cancer development are discussed below.

  • Follow a Healthy Diet

A poor diet high in trans fats, junk food, and sugar; and low in fruits and vegetables increases one’s risk of developing several diseases, including breast cancer. The link between a healthy diet & breast cancer still needs more research and is currently an active area of study. Some studies even suggest that women who consume a Mediterranean diet rich in olive oil, fish, legumes, fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and nuts are at a lower risk of breast cancer.

  • Have a Healthy Weight

Obesity is considered another risk factor associated with breast cancer. The risk is increased in post-menopausal women. Maintaining healthy body weight is a great way to prevent cancer and other lifestyle-related diseases like obesity, heart disease, hormonal imbalance, etc. So, if you have a higher BMI and are considered obese, consult the experts to eat food with the right nutrition and calories. Also, work out to reduce excess weight and maintain good health.

  • Stay Physically Active

A sedentary lifestyle is another issue that is linked to several diseases. A sedentary lifestyle is the primary cause of obesity and has been linked to increased chances of breast cancer. Studies show that women who perform daily moderate to vigorous exercises are at a lower risk of breast cancer. Experts recommend exercising at least 30 minutes regularly, including a mix of cardio and strength can considerably reduce the risk of breast cancer.

  • Limit Alcohol Intake

Alcohol consumption has also been linked with increased chances of getting Breast Cancer. So, limit your alcohol intake and, if possible, stop consuming it completely.

  • Avoid Smoking

Smoking has not only been linked to breast cancer but a total of 15 types of cancers. Therefore it is wise to stop smoking before it adversely harms your health.

  • Avoid Menopausal Hormone Therapy

Combined Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) is often prescribed to women after menopause. However, evidence suggests that many cases of HRT are linked with breast cancer. It is not only a risk factor for breast cancer but also lets breast cancer detection happen at advanced stages when treatment options are riskier.

  • Avoid Radiation

Experts suggest that those who get radiation therapy to their chest before the age of 30 are highly at risk for breast cancer. Avoiding such therapies can reduce the risk of developing breast cancer.

  • Be Aware

Women with the genetic disposition, are obese, post-menopausal, have a family history of breast cancer, etc., are considered high risk for breast cancer. Such women should consult their doctor about possible ways to reduce their chances of getting breast cancer.

  • Take Preventive Steps If You Are at a High Risk for Breast Cancer

Some doctors prescribe pre-cancer drugs like Tamoxifen and Raloxifene (FDA-approved), which can significantly lower the risk of breast cancer. Other options for women at very high risk may include getting preventive surgery. Consult with the doctor to explore your options and risk factors.

  • Get Regular Screenings Done

Regular mammograms and physical examinations annually are key to detecting breast cancer at its early stages. It can help prevent breast cancer from developing to advanced stages where treatment is tricky and critical.


Cancer is a tricky disease with lots to still be discovered. However, we can work with the known risk factors and avoid them to reduce our chances of developing breast cancer in the future. Prevention is, after all, better than cure.9

Dr. Sumant Gupta

Director – Metro Cancer Institute

Metro Heart Institute with Multispecialty, Faridabad

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